When planning the perfect eco-friendly urban garden it’s important to think from the bottom-up, and from the first to the last. What do I mean by this?
A truly naturally healthy garden is like a mini eco-system where the plants and insects and birds and animals enjoy a perfectly symbiotic relationship with each other. Planting your garden to assist this symbiosis involves thinking a little bit ahead about who you want in your garden and what their needs are.
So starting from the bottom up we need to supply the bees with flowers from as early as possible in the year to as late as possible in the year. With bees and other insects the birds will follow and other small animals such as hedgehogs will populate our gardens.
Trust me, if you look after the insects first the rest will fall into place. And so plant your garden with very early bee-feeding flowering plants such as all the bulbs you planted in the autumn (crocus, daffodils, tulips etc); and flowering herbs such as rosemary, as these offer the perfect habitat for bees to collect pollen as early as late February/ early March (depending on the weather).
Keeping some dense hedges and/or bushes will give small birds places to nest and roost and shelter in the colder months. We always always suggest bird feeders and a bird bath/water as this will encourage birds to stay in your garden and contribute to the eco-system.
If you want to plan your eco-friendly urban garden then get in touch and we will be delighted to create the perfect place to suit your space.